Citrus Limonum
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Antioxidant: lemons are rich in Vitamins C, E, carotene, selenium, etc. Their daily consumption protects our organism from cellular aging.
Antiseptic: they combat all infections, especially chills, flus and colds. They also help lowering fever by their sudorific action. Remineralizing: well supplied in potassium and calcium, lemons are both draining and remineralizing.
They promote absorption of the calcium in food consumed along with them.
Non-acidifying: although they contain many organic acids, giving them their acidic flavour, lemons are not acidifying, but are alkalizing. They may be consumed without any worry for the stomach.
In addition, they stimulate liver and pancreatic functions.
Circulatory: through their flavonoids (vitamin P), they protect blood capillaries, liquefy the blood and help to lower cholesterol.